About the authors

Joy VanDertuin: After a grand mal seizure in 1996, Joy needed connection with the outside world during her recovery. Raising twelve young children at the time and not being able to drive for a year, depression started to set in. She knew she had to do something. One day she found a stray injured bunny and called an animal rehabber. She was ultimately licensed by the state of Texas and lovingly rehabbed both wild and domestic abandoned and injured animals. Joy clearly recalls how much her hard work helped with her own rehab from her seizure. In earlier years, Joy and her husband Rod found their life's mission in adopting harder-to-place children. With three biological sons, they adopted ten abandoned and abused babies and toddlers of various ethnic backgrounds from two weeks to four years old. Joy is a Christian who understands what it means to depend on God through every circumstance.

Michelle Hill: Michelle Hill is Your Legacy Builder at Winning Proof. She's a ghostwriter, book collaborator, and book coach for sports and business professionals, with 25+ years of writing experience. Michelle knows something about overcoming obstacles and gaining yardage during life's fouls and fumbles through tenacity, determination, and courage. Michelle understands the importance of seizing winning opportunities during major life transitions. Michelle helps her clients write and publish championship-quality books so they can increase visibility, establish expert status, and create a strong legacy. Michelle's clients include pro athletes, sports agents, coaches, and performance trainers. Michelle has been a born-again Christian for 44+ years and her relationship with Christ permeates everything in her life.


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